Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Its hard to believe it has only been 6 days today since my surgery!

I got my staples out yesterday and I'm feeling pretty good today. Scott had to go back to work this morning and Im home by myself for the first day and BORED!

I dont want to push feeling good though.....3 yrs ago I had my hysterectomy surgery and was out shoveling gravel 2 weeks later, but not this time around!! I need to take it easy! - especially being cut open. Its just hard for me to sit around and do nothing. So use to being busy, babysitting, taking care of everyone else and the house.
I cant drive, lift / move anything over 20 lbs, vacume or sweep for 3 weeks.

My pretty daisies up close ... I just love DAISIES!! Me and my daisies
COOL...I look like Mr. Wilson here. lol =)

Doesnt my incision look so much better? Tuesday, day after getting staples out.

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